
Two. Zero. Two. Three.

Oh, 2023.

It has been a while — for me to write and update this blog, or even to reflect on things (LOL). I don’t even know where to start.

By the looks of it, I’ve been posting bi-annually for the past two years! Sometimes, I even ask myself why I still keep this blog when the “in” thing these days is vlogs, reels, and whatnot.

Then I’m reminded it’s because I don’t keep this blog for fame or likes; I started this blog in 2009 (it has been through several “revamps”) because I love writing and I believe that’s a gift entrusted to me by God to hone and share to the world.

So yes, I may not have been writing like I used to , but I’d like to think of that as my pause. After all, I’ve been through a lot since the pandemic. We all have been.

This coming 2024, I want to take baby steps again in being consistent. From my fitness journey to my writing skills, that’s the word I want to focus on: CONSISTENCY.

But before that, I’d like to look back on 2023 and reminisce on the blessings despite the challenges it has come with.

2023 has been a year of HEALING — healing from our first (and hopefully last) pregnancy loss in late 2022, healing from all the remaining brokenness that still lingers despite all efforts. After all, we live in a broken world and as my daily prayer states, I may not get complete healing in this lifetime but I believe that God’s healing love is what keeps me going.

If 2023 was also the year you took time to heal or if you’ve hit the pause button even way before, know that you’re not alone. We’re here and we survived! That’s a BIG DEAL, so let’s give ourselves our deserved pats on our backs! 🙂

I pray that this coming new year, though, we get the courage to finally start again… or maybe CONTINUE what has already been started.

So here’s to 2023! And on to blessed and exciting two. zero. two. four!

Happy New Year!!! #2024 😉


“You crown the year with your bounty;
    your wagon tracks overflow with richness.”
-Psalm 65:11

Marked on the Calendar, Year Enders

Clean Slate

More than two years ago, Erwan Heussaff of The Fat Kid Inside told me that my blog’s “too dark.” And he sure was right. As to why Erwan and I were exchanging e-mails, I’ll keep that between the two of us. Mwahahahahaha! But trust me when I say that I’m NOT close to him (so let’s get that out of the way already; he’s just really kind to reply to a fan like me!), and that screenshot above is LEGIT!!! 😀

So anyway, for a little over five years since I’ve had this blog, I was using the same old “too dark” theme. For some reason, I didn’t want a bright/white background. I don’t know… In those five years, I was happy with it. UNTIL NOW. Haha.

So yes, as you can see now, my blog’s “bright” with a hint of pink (which is one of my favorite colors; the other is green, btw!). And I think it’s also good timing as we enter the New Year! 🙂

I know that I haven’t been a diligent blogger for the past two years (sorry!), but since 2011, I’ve been writing year-ender posts.

And for 2014, THIS IS IT. I’d like to keep it short and simple — just like my new blog theme!

I just promise to TRY to blog (and save what’s left of my writing talent!) more next year.

So goodbye 2014 and hello to my “clean slate” 2015! 😉

HAPPY NEW YEAR, y’all!!!

May we all fill in our “clean slates” in 2015 with nothing but HAPPY memories and all things POSITIVE!

Mikhaela Georgette of The Lady Is In (ahem!)

Marked on the Calendar, Year Enders

The Year Ender :)

Aahhh…  Another year has passed us by!  And since this is my year-ender blog post, please allow me to take a few moments to reflect on the year that was: 2011.  And how do I propose to do that?  By listing SOME OF THE THINGS I WASTED AND MADE THE MOST OUT OF IN 2011. 😉


1. Money – I think half of which was spent on MILK TEA!!!  So this coming 2012, I’m sooo going on a milk tea fast — NOT!  Hahaha!  Adik lang! @_@

Another proof?  Two words: Juju Cleanse.

It STARTED with this…

…then PROGRESSED to “these.”

Don’t get me wrong…  A LOT of people have said good things about this cleanse, and why shouldn’t they?  After all, it’s REEAAALLLLYYYYY good for the body.  But if only I had known that I’d be feeling sick and close to puking while I was on my third bottle, I never would’ve spent Php2,500 for six “juicified” veggies that I was required to finish ALL IN ONE DAY!  FAIL!!!  But then again, that’s just me.  To each his own, people!  I repeat, TO. EACH. HIS. OWN. 🙂

BUT when I finally held bottle #3, I just couldn’t END it with much bliss. 😐

2. The first five months of my *new* gym membership – reference on #1: milk tea = heaps and heaps of CALORIES!!!  And BOOM!  Just like that, another “health project” went down the drain…  Gaaah~  (I sooo hope this changes for the better in 2012!  Paaak!)

3. Time spent on social-networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, you name it! — but not WordPress — hmm…  no, definitely NOT WordPress!  Haha!  But you know, BALANCE is always the key — and I just think I went a little “out of balance” when it comes to my social-networking activities in 2011. 😐

Made The Most Out Of:

1. B-L-O-G-G-I-N-G.  I’ve already mentioned SEVERAL times that I call 2011 my “blogging year.”  Yay WordPress!  And did I reach my goal to have 10,000 hits before the year ends?  CHECK!!!  But seriously, you’re already reading it…  do I really have to say more?

Oh yeah, I do have one more thing to say: I, THANK YOU! 😛

2. Driving skills – Makati?  Check!  MOA?  Ay nakooo, kahit yata nakapikit keri ko!  Chos!  Pero syempre, CHECK!  Nagtahan-Sta. Mesa-Tomas Morato?  Check!  Taft Avenue?  Check!  EDSA?  Check!  Check!!  Check!!!  Next year, SLEX naman!  Wahahahaha!  (Disclaimer: I said “driving,” NOT “parking.”  There’s a BIG difference, yah know?)

3. “Family and Friends” time – First, my niece turned ONE and had the awesome-est kiddie party evah!!!  And then she also traveled for the FIRST TIME. 😀  Second, most of my weekends were JAM-PACKED.  And third?  Milk tea date here, movie date there, just any kind of “date” (actually) everywhere.  Yun nga lang, puro FRIENDLY dates ah.  Waleeyyy man lang “romantic date” kahit isa!  Tsk, tsk, tsk. 😛


4. Graduate school – I’m already done with ALL of my coursework!  Yay meee!  Next step: comprehensive exam PLUS thesis!  Yiiikes me! 😦

And there you have it.  But wait…  please keep on reading…

Before you decide to move on to that more important site (whatever that is) you have to set your eyes on, I have ONLY ONE request for you: please don’t finish reading this blog entry without watching the following video.  PLEASE WATCH IT.  I promise your nine minutes and 56 seconds will truly be WORTH IT. 🙂

(Thanks to my Idol Patty [Laurel] for “introducing” this video to me.)

This coming year, let’s make it a point to be more GRATEFUL.  Everyday.

But that’s not all…

I think each of us can also learn a thing or two from (the movie) New Year’s Eve‘s Ingrid:


This coming year, I also dare ALL OF US to be AMAZED!!!  I don’t know…  be amazed by EATING.  TAKING PHOTOGRAPHS.  PRAYING.  TRAVELING.  LOVING.  WRITING.  Actually, ANYTHING.  As long as you get to have your own interpretation of the word “AMAZING,” do it!  Just. be. amazed! 😀

Then again, if I got to have my very own “Paul” (a.k.a. Zac Efron)…

…I think I’d be amazed enough!  But GOOD LUCK with that!  Hahaha!

Now, how’s that for New-Year’s-resolutions-gone-short-and-vague?  — ano daaaw?  =))

HAPPY 2012 TO Y’ALL!!!
Remember, BE GRATEFUL and BE AMAZED. ♥

2011, signing off…

P.S: To spice things up a little bit, I decided to work on a “special project” for THIS blog come 2012!  So, watch for that!!!  Clue: if you love adventure, culture, food, and lots and lots of photos, then I can’t wait for YOU to read all about it (or them)!  Who knows?  That can be the start of your “be amazed” resolution!  Teehee – heehee with a capital “T” — isa pang clue ‘yan! 😉
